National Parks
South Pacific
South Pacific National Parks
Costa Rica’s South Pacific region is without question one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Places such as Golfo Dulce, Puerto Jiménez, Drake Bay, and Corcovado are literally brimming with an immense variety of animal and plant life. One can clearly see that the South Pacific part of the country is a biological corridor. And there are plenty of sleepy beachside towns where you can relax and take in nature.

La Amistad International Park
This park is the largest wilderness area in Costa Rica, covering about 194´000 hectares (479´000 ...
Piedras Blancas National Park
Piedras Blancas National Park protects one of the few lowland rainforests left in Costa Rica, alo...
Corcovado National Park
National Geographic has called Corcovado National Park one of the “most biologically intense plac...
Caño Island Biological Reserve
Caño Island is located about 20km (12mi) directly off the coast of the Osa Peninsula in the Pacif...
Terraba-Sierpe Wetlands
Near the Pacific Ocean in southern Costa Rica, the Térraba and the Sierpe Rivers form a network o...